The Cincinnati Mineral Society offers several services to its members.
CMS Associations
The Society has a close association with
CMS co-sponsors GeoFair, the
Gem, Mineral, Fossil & Jewelry Show of Greater Cincinnati
11355 Chester Road
Sharonville, OH 45246-4002
Every first weekend of May
Illustrated Lectures
Most meetings feature a speaker who delivers an illustrated lecture.
All membership meetings are held at the Sharon Centre Auditorium, located in Sharon Woods Park, except June July, August, and December.
Doors open at 7:30 pm with programs starting at 8:00 pm
2nd Friday of January ................ Membership Meeting
2nd Friday of February ............... Membership Meeting
2nd Friday of March ................... Membership Meeting
2nd Friday of April ...................... Membership Meeting
1st weekend of May ......................Annual Show GEOFAIR
(Sharonville Convention Center)
2nd Friday of May ...................... Membership Meeting
June, July, August ..................... No Meeting
2nd Friday of September ........... Membership Meeting
3rd Friday of October................... Membership Meeting
2nd Friday of November .............. Annual Auction
December .......... Holiday Party
Field Trips ..................... TBD
Holiday Party December 7, 2024
Education program​
Every membership meeting at 7:30 PM, prior to the Program.
For all ages. All youth must have a responsible adult with them at all club meetings and functions. (No drop-offs) This is for their safety.
Sample topics and activities are mineral identification, creating your own collection,
No charge.
Since the program will not change much from year to year, attendees should only attend once.